My favourite sites
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Okay then check these great sites out Most of them are about Fei-Chan but why else do you think this is a Fei shrine?

This Ring of Wufei site is owned by --Sandra Chang--

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Sarah's Anime Realm

Visit them already!
Original Sin Everything that should be in a 1x5 shrine. Go visit it. It belongs to Kai
GW 13 And this is a lovely 5x2 shrine again by the great Kai Visit it I command you!
Anime Palace This is a great site for all sorts of animes Gundam Wing included For both yaoi and non-yaoi fans You gotta love that ne?
Sweet and Sweet This is a superb 3x5/5x3 shrine with great fictions images and much more

Petals A simply beautiful site made for Treize-Sama. You just gotta love that hottie(I still love Wu-Chan) It has a lotta stuff including a gunpatible quiz where you find who is most gunpatible with you(5 went for me no really)
Yue's Corner An awesome place for Dragonball Z Gundam Card Captors and much more See it love it worship it
I.C.H.I.G.O 1x5 Another great 1x5 shrine It has a lot of great 1x5 goodies :)
Takeo's Fortress One of the best yaoi sites out there with lotsa 2x5 yay!
Little Dragon A shrine to the greatness that is Wufei Lots of pics humor and of course fictions(mostly 2x5)
Seigi Shrine to Chang Wufei Let's see this is a What do you call it now Oh yes a shrine to Chang Wufei
Nasty Boys 2x5 a plenty can be found here
Kyoki Koi's Achieve It's practically filled with 2x5s You gotta love that don't ya^_^
Zero System A super cool website filled with everything a Gundam obsessie could ever want with MP3s, quiz, rare pics and much more ^___^