I thought I'd put up the pics in seperate pages to save dowloading time. Hope this will work better
Yee! Wufei should always be this happy! He's so cute but we all know that :)
Did Noin really think she could catch this Dragon? What a knuckle-head ^_^;;
See what I meant by Wufei always being happy?
Yay Wufei is the man! Beat that Trowa!
Wu and Nature Nature and Wu! Now what is the better of these two! Wu-Chan of course ^_^
Uh-Oh Wu's angry. If you insulted him he's gonna kick your ass
Aw, Wu is sad but he sure looks fine here *sigh*
Man! This is where Wu got captured. Gah Gah! Injustice man!
Now this is somethin'Wu dun'do everyday! Heh heh very cute Ja!
What the? Wu is in a tux?! How? When? Where? Oh yeah he's sexy that way ^_^
I know that Wu is wearing geek clothes but he's still the most glompable guy ever!
Aw no! Who made Wu-Chan cry? I'm armed and I'm gonna kill ya for doin'it!
Kill Sally! Kill Sally! And Relena too!
If you said bad things about Wu he's gonna have to use that bomb in his hand on ya ^_^