And Of Course The Pocket Bishoujos
  Welcome all to my humble abode | About the crazy onna that loves Wu | What Wufei Means | The Bishies I Caught | And The Bishoujos Too | You Know You Love Wu-Chan When... | Dragon Gallery 1 | Dragon Gallery 2 | Dragon Gallery 3 | Dragon Gallery 4 | Get Voting Y'all | 1x5 Stuff | 2x5 Galore | Wufei's Image Songs | The Greatest Sites There Are | Awards And Stuff | Guest Book  

First I was obsessed with catching bishonen now I'm over my head for some bishoujo mastering

Click on this badge to catch your bishoujos!

Hikaru from Magic Knight Rayearth
Watch out! She's a fiery young lady ^_^

Nova from Magic Knight Rayearth
The not so goody good gal around here

Tarta from Magic Knight Rayearth
Ah for once she's not feeling irritated
Tarta: What d'ya mean for once?

Chris from Gundam Wing
Never seen her before but...

Tron Bonne from The Misadventures Of Tron Bonne
She's way cooler than the dorky Megaman

Uriko from Bloody Roar 1-3
She's cute. Need I say more?